Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can non-Armenians apply?

    Yes, if the suggested project is serving the Armenians in the community and in general.

  • Can Armenians living in Armenia apply?

    Yes, they can if they are applying in collaboration with Armenian(s) living outside of Armenia.

  • Is there an age limit for applicants?

    Applicants should be 18 years old and older. Young people under 30 are the main target and especially encouraged to apply. However, we welcome all age groups.

  • Can representatives of various communities apply together? (e.g., L.A. and N.Y., Beirut and Halep, etc.)

    Yes, in fact, collaborations between various communities are encouraged.

  • Is my citizenship status important?

    No, there is no citizenship requirement to apply to the program.

  • Can I apply alone, by myself?

    Yes, though we encourage collaboration between various communities of the Armenian Diaspora.

  • Is there any education/background requirement for applicants?

    No, people of all educational backgrounds are welcome to apply.

  • Is the knowledge/proficiency of the Armenian language mandatory to apply?

    No, while we appreciate preserving the Armenian language skills in the Diaspora, English will be the main working language.

  • My English is bad. Can I submit the application in Western or Eastern Armenian?

    We encourage that the applications are submitted in English to create equal opportunities for all the applicants.

  • Do I get to choose my mentor?

    The Galvanizing Diaspora program staff assigns mentors to the shortlisted applicants by discussing this with the mentors. In general, the staff will try to assign mentors based on the applicant’s background and the mentor’s expertise and interests. We are committed to making this an interesting and life-changing experience for all.

  • Can one person or organization submit more than one application?

    Yes, the applicant can present several ideas in separate applications.

  • Will I be able to ask all the questions during the application phase?

    Yes, the Galvanizing Diaspora program staff will organize regular online info sessions. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and receive clarifications prior to the submission of the application. You can email us at