
Vladimir Shakhijanyan 
Psychologist, journalist, teacher, CEO of ErgoSolo 

The paper has turned out. It is smart, businesslike, accurate, with a lot of factual material. Sometimes, though, it seems that you are reading a doctoral dissertation, but a brilliant one. 

I did not like the title “At the Crossroads. Decision Time” (one of the initial options for the title – editor note). The paper speaks a lot about the crossroad, and this topic continues throughout the manuscript. But people have established associations: the crossroad is the road police, cities, cars, traffic lights. Rather, you are speaking about an intersection. Any time is decision time. You, the authors, as I understood it, meant the time of accomplishments, the time to act. 

The meaning of the discussion paper is to correctly use the chance that life gives. A human being is an opportunity, I read this in the subtext. And Armenia is getting the opportunity to become an independent state. How to dispose of it and how to use it? I wanted something like this also in the title: opportunity, chance, accomplishments, time for accomplishments, etc. 

After having read the book, when turning the last page, one thinks: “Maybe this is the book of the future president and future leader of the Council of Ministers? Maybe it is Ruben Vardanyan and Nune Alekyan who can lead Armenia to be ranked among the advanced countries?”. 

An association... Probably, it is out of place, but it came out, I can’t do anything with myself. I hate the saying “if you are so smart, why are you so poor.” I know a lot of poor people who are very smart and educated. Not to mention the classics: Mozart was poor, Dostoevsky, Pushkin suffered from the lack of money, Parajanov had no money, Leonid Yengibarov was seeking money for food, and I can continue this list ad infinitum. This refers not only to people, but often to countries. A rich country is not always the best country where people are being taken care of and developed. 

When I read about Singapore, for some reason I thought about the meaning of life. Many Armenians saw the meaning of life in improving themselves and those around them. Not only it is about money or a good life, but about improving oneself, about moral improvement. 


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