
Souren Israelyan
Attorney, Principal of the Law Office of Souren A. Israelyan, New York

The book beautifully encapsulates the rich history of the Armenian Nation, from its early times to the present, and in that exploration brings up the best characteristics of the national identity, and honestly discusses the shortcomings. It is a must read for every Armenian, and thus I shared it with my children and friends.

The last two chapters (The World in the 21st Century: New Reality, and Our Vision of the Future) – and the Afterword – give a rare glimpse into the minds, models and souls of highly successful glocal investors of our times. The lessons, experiences and analysis of the new reality and the future within and without grasp, which is shared in the book in an elegant yet straightforward manner, are invaluable.

The discussions of the optimal development models, the means and methods for achieving true success for one and all, the pitfalls to be aware of and avoid, the challenges and opportunities facing every Armenian, family, school, community, business, the nation, and Armenia in the constantly evolving world makes this book a genuine masterpiece of pragmatic analytical thought. It is engaging in the first reading and deeply thought provoking with each subsequent re-reading.


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