
Pedro Mouratian
Diversity Director of the Governance Study Center (CEG), Argentina

In the first place and beside the differences and coincidences we could have over all the addressed topics, which are a lot, I think the document is extremely interesting and bold. There is an urgent need of discussion about the future of Armenia and the world, and this a very good way to restart it.

Even when we share the necessity to redefine and discuss the essence, structure, functions, and performance of States and International Institutions mainly because the lack of responses to social and individual needs. I think the goal must be improving them, not replace them with private or particular initiatives no matter how good intentions they have.

The main structure that can guarantee the security and development background to any Nation is the State, and to do so, it should be an efficient one. But to achieve the goals demanded by the people and the new emerging world is necessary to build not only an efficient and top-notch public administration, but also new consensus that allow to settle the bases of any new development model. The key aspect of this consensus is, by far, politics. There can't be any development without the right management of political interests, like all the developed countries had. Political conflict shouldn't be avoided, at least not in its democratic form. There can't be no development if the benefits of it are only for a few. The collective action must be taken and valuated as the fundamental step to achieve a more fair distribution of resources that allows progress and future to the citizens. Armenia today can't provide this, which turns out the main reason of the migration problem.

This means we need an authoritarian government and State model? No, nothing alike either. The point I want to illustrate here is that to ensure the security, progress and a place of relevance in the upcoming new era there should be a State with strategic look, integrated citizens, a clear economic model and a full respect of human rights.

In that road, the private initiatives, new networks and the Diasporic Armenians can have a fundamental weight not only in the pursuit of that goals but also in the construction of an environment where Armenians and anyone who wants it find in Armenia a place to build a future.

Beside that first and complicated transformation, there are two fundamental issues that can't be ignored or relegated. Firstly, the Nagorno Karabagh conflict. The security and respect of our borders can't be negotiated and any attempt to develop must consider how to advance through this situation. The second issue is the Armenian Genocide, where no step back is allowed either.

Nowadays’ world is very different from the past and changes even faster than most countries are able to. Any economic model designed to achieve macroeconomic stability and human development of our nation, for those who live inside or outside its borders, has to consider these realities and be filled with creative thinking, commitment and integrity.


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