
Grigory Arzumanyan
Head of the center “Nanobiophotonics”, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), Dubna, Moscow Region, Russia

First of all, I would like to note that the authors’ plan for preparing the given work is a complete success, and such a manuscript, in my opinion, will receive a decent estimate of future readers.

I quickly and easily read this paper recommended by the academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yuri Tsolakovich Oganesyan, a world-famous scientist whose name was recently given to the 118th element of the Periodic Table – Oganesson. Let me say a few words about the book itself and I’ll start, perhaps, as it seems to me presently, from the key point: the work is very timely. If it was possible to write it earlier, then at least not later than this. Such books, of course, are very necessary for readers both in Armenia itself, and, what is very important, in our large diaspora all over the world. I myself occasionally visit Armenia, where I was born, grew up, studied and lived and worked for some time. The trends that are now being observed there are causing some optimism and hope for a noticeable improvement in the well-being of the people in the foreseeable future. But this is a very difficult path. Thus, such writings that call for the search for solutions and ways to unite the nation around a kind of “an Armenian Jerusalem” are, of course, extremely relevant for today's Armenia. And in this regard I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the authors of this work Ruben Vardanyan and Nune Alekyan for such a laborious and creative work, as well as express my confidence that this work will be widely in demand by the society. The network structure and model of the hub, examples of which we find in our historical past (the global trade network of Armenians from New Julfa) and which are proposed in the book as one of the options for life arrangement in Armenia, can and should, in my opinion, be considered and widely discussed. And the title, by the way, is very aptly-chosen – “At the Crossroads. Time for Decisions”. It is really true, since the authors’ concern that everything can develop in the future in not so favorable manner for the Armenian people and for sovereign Armenia has, unfortunately, the right to exist. And in order to avoid this, a lot of real things need to be done, including with the help of such writings.

After all, it is well known that sometimes a timely pronounced word or an expressed idea aimed at the benefit and prosperity of society can have tremendous power and significance. Also, we are in need of breakthrough projects uniting the nation in the field of economics, in the social and cultural spheres, in scientific and innovative activities, in sports, tourism, etc. FAST can become one of the vivid examples of such activities.

Furthermore, I would like to note that the book is written in a very good language, which I am always sensitive to. Thus, one can only welcome the numerous calls in the book to raise the level of the Armenian language as a whole, including the one that can be heard today in the streets of Yerevan.

I also have a couple requests to the authors, possibly for the subsequent editions of their work: I don’t think there were enough references to Armenian authors (of different periods of time, including Soviet), including in Armenian. It seems to me that this would enrich and complement the discussion paper. Perhaps, in the preamble of the book it would be reasonable to briefly reflect the more ancient history of Armenia, starting from the time of Urartu, and not from the era of the adoption of Christianity. Since the latter, in its turn, rested on the rich past and deep roots of one of the most ancient nations of the world, and most likely, all this subsequently predetermined this most important event in the history of the Armenian people.
The book, of course, should be published and, preferably, not only in Russian, but especially in Armenian, as well as English and French.


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