
Vahagn Vardanyan, PhD
Founding Vice Principal, Han Academy, Hong Kong

The book is a successful attempt to address the development perspectives of Armenia, following the path the Armenian people have passed despite standing at the edge of survival many times in history. The authors raise thought-provoking aspects of Armenia’s current and future development by igniting the flame of interest in the areas of national development, economic prospects, and identity formation the work is centred around. As it is stressed, probably the key attribute, which has led to the survival of the Armenians and, as such, has provided the nation with an opportunity to revive again and again, is its ability to create and maintain an ethnic-religious path, not assimilated with other Christians.

On the other hand, the barriers the Armenian nation has built, as the authors emphasize, not only have limited the potential of building strong nationhood, but they can also be seen as the solution keys, provided the nation is united in its determination to overcome these obstacles. Relying on its own strengths, utilising the potential, and transformation of disadvantages into opportunities are seen as the philosophical foundation for the nation’s future development, second to none. To be open for learning from experience and history, own and of others, is probably the main lesson to gain for the Armenians, a lifelong lesson, the tests of which the nation has failed several times in its history. 

With the younger generation of Armenians becoming more open-minded and interconnected, the nation and its state are acquiring a unique chance to become a bridge connecting different civilisations through linking transnational projects, being a mediator in conflict resolutions and international trade, becoming a global accumulator of brain power the suggested ‘talentism’ approach can uncover. Being lifelong learners themselves, Ruben Vardanyan and Nuna Alekyan brilliantly highlight the role of education and its potential for attracting and developing the talents, which will meet the needs of Armenia, its broader region and the world, and will ensure coherent progress for the global Armenian nation.


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