Hrachya Arzumanian

Hrachya Arzumanian
Doctor of Political Science, Doctor of Technical Science, expert on military and national security issues
Reader’s opinion on “At the Crossroads” discussion paper
Putting aside positive assessments, of which I am sure there will be in plenty, I would like to offer a couple of comments. The authors of the book reasoning the need for an integrated approach to assessment of the current status, in addition to the future of the Armenian statehood and the people, deliberately exclude from consideration the challenges associated with any war. Consequently, the resulting models of development turn out to be purely theoretical, since the world has clearly entered the era where war, understanding of its notion and its interpretation determine the specificity of the emerging global world. The 21st century again is the world of Heraclitus, where “war is the father and king of all things.”
Read more
Hrachya Arzumanian. Strategic Context of 2020 Artsakh War
Hrachya Arzumanian. Main works.
Рачья Арзуманян. Статьи в журнале «Анив»
Gideon Rachman. ‘China, India and the Rise of the ‘Civilisation State’’, Financial Times, 4 March 2019.
Henry A. Kissinger, Eric Schmidt, The Coming AI Metamorphosis

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